Catherine Paul

Applied neuroscience

Applied neuroscience – train your brain for optimal neuroplasticity!

There are many uses for applied neuroscience. Here are some of them:

  • consciously adapting our language to act on integrated behaviors (neural pathways);
  • adjusting our cognitive perceptions for a better emotional management;
  • understanding the close links with our different sensory systems (5 senses)
  • better manage the different stages of sleep and incidentally, its quality;
  • know how to recognize the different states of modified consciousness (such as self-hypnosis)
  • understand the right behaviors to adopt to maximize attention, learning and memory;
  • expand one’s self-perception in a body-mind-spirit balance.


This field of research, cognitive neuroscience, emerged in the 1950s from the convergence of several scientific disciplines that were interested in the human mind. It was the discovery of the relationship between brain lesions and their effect on memorization, or the recall of events, that allowed for the confirmation of the existence of different areas in the brain, including those related to high-level operations, called cognitive. Broca’s area, located at the back of the frontal lobe, mainly used in language, is one of the best known.

The knowledge of applied neuroscience fits wonderfully into the framework of hypnosis and NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming). By better understanding the workings of our beautiful and useful brain, it sheds light on the close links between our perceptions, behaviors, beliefs and language, and their direct influence on our learning abilities, our ability to keep our attention in the present moment and our overall energy.

It is now scientifically proven that regardless of age, the brain is constantly changing, creating new neurons, reorganizing its neural networks and developing new ones, thus creating new functions, new behaviors. This is the very principle of neuroplasticity.

Just as we can train our bodies, we can also train our brains to improve their cognitive, intuitive and creative capacities. To help it do so, there are several good practices to develop and practice continuously, such as, and without being exhaustive ;

  • by practicing physical activity;
  • by having an adapted diet (for example, in omega 3, antioxidants, turmeric…)
  • by engaging in new activities (creation of new neurons);
  • by using positive mental imagery (e.g., visualizing yourself achieving a goal)
  • by adapting one’s inner language in positive and supportive terms (because of the direct impact on the body via the psychosomatic network)
  • by practicing various techniques such as meditation, yoga, self-hypnosis, cardiac coherence, to reduce and control stress and emotions, among others.

Clearly, each and every one of us has the ability to become more intuitive and creative on a daily basis. While choosing the right actions, words and thoughts every day to ensure optimal neuroplasticity of our neural capacities!

What to expect the first time we meet in holistic hypnosis/energy treatment/NLP/neurosciences:

Part of the first session will be spent gathering information about the goal you want to achieve. It’s important to take some time to think about what’s at stake and to determine what the real goal is, sometimes beyond the primary conscious objective. In this way, we can define the main lines of action for the future. Each meeting uses holistic hypnosis, either in language mode and/or with one or more techniques adapted to the need at the time. Many tools and insights are shared over the course of the sessions to help with the overall process of transformation, better self-understanding and, above all, current and future autonomy.

I’ll also answer any questions you may have about hypnosis or other approaches. In short, I use a very simple, natural hypnosis technique to guide you into a state you commonly experience: natural trance (commonly known as “being in the moon”). In this way, you remain in control and retain all memory of the session, since it’s simply a matter of your unconscious coming to the same level as your conscious. This is when new solutions emerge, and all your internal resources are accessed.

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Sessions can be done remotely or in person.